Airdrie's future recreation centre

We're getting ready to develop a site master plan for the SW Recreation Centre. The site master plan describes how each phase and amenity connects, while balancing the needs of our community.

Your feedback will help identify site constraints, layout requirements and inform the phased construction strategy.

Through previous engagement we've heard that a pool is a top priority and that local sports groups need more space to grow. We want this centre to serve Airdrie's needs today and tomorrow.

Your voice can help us put it all together!

Learn more about the project

What's next

The SW Recreation Centre design team will review the feedback received through the online survey and open house and compile it into a report about what we've heard from you. That report will be used in combination with the following perspectives, to create site master plan options:

  • Indoor and Outdoor Recreation Needs Assessment (2022)
  • Phased Approach to Development of Facility Components and Amenities Report (2023)
  • Arena Analysis within SW Recreation Multi-Use Facility Report (2024)
  • Traffic Review of a Future Airdrie High School and Recreation Centre Joint-use Site in Southwinds (2023)
  • Internal recreation facility staff reviews (2024)
  • Sport user group feedback (2024)

Site master plan options and a report outlining what we heard through engagement will be presented to Council later this spring. Council will select a site master plan they feel best balances project considerations like capital funding, sustainability or sports tourism, with the broadest needs of the community. The Council presentation date and agenda will be posted online at

Project and site information

The City of Airdrie is planning a new recreation facility in the city's southwest quadrant. The new SW Recreation Centre will address our community's current recreation pressures and the future needs of our rapidly growing, active and diverse population. The City has gathered valuable insights through prior studies, reports and community input to prioritize a core amenity mix that aligns with Airdrie's broadest voiced needs.

Airdrie's population has grown significantly over the past five years and the City's sole multi-use recreation centre is often operating at capacity during prime-time hours. In response, a quarter section of land was purchased in 2018 in partnership with Mattamy Homes and Rocky View School Division. The City acquired a 20.85 per cent share of the land for development of a new multi-purpose recreation centre to be located at the corner of Southwinds Boulevard and Southwinds Drive.

The site master plan for the SW Recreation Centre will be developed with the following considerations:

  • Sustainability
  • Capital funding
  • Current recreation pressures
  • Future recreation needs
  • Sports tourism

The SW Recreation Centre's first phase will include leisure pools, a 25-metre lane pool, a fitness centre and family friendly play areas. Future phases will include ice arenas, a gymnasium and field house spaces. The facility will incorporate environmental design and accessibility best practices to create a centre that is welcoming for everyone.

The core amenity mix

The SW Recreation Centre's core amenity mix refers to the foundational focus of each phase. The future centre's phasing and core amenities were finalized by Council on June 5, 2023, after reviewing the Phased Approach to Development of Facility Components and Amenities Summary Report (2023), which recommended the centre be built in a way that addresses the broadest community voiced needs as heard in the Indoor and Outdoor Recreation Needs Assessment Study (2022).

Includes: leisure pools, 25-metre lane pool, aquatics area, fitness centre, family friendly play spaces, common areas and administration spaces.

Planned opening: late 2028

Includes at minimum two NHL-sized ice sheets. The number of ice sheets and amount of spectator seating will be decided on as part of the site master planning.

Planned opening: 2030 - 2032

Includes: a gymnasium and field house spaces, including indoor unboarded turf surfaces with spectator seating and further common areas.

Planned opening: 2033 - 2035